The provisions of the Basic Law on Hong Kong's political system are in keeping with the particular conditions in Hong Kong and consistent with the legal status of the Hong Kong SAR. 香港特别行政区基本法关于香港政治体制的规定,符合香港的实际情况和香港特别行政区的法律地位。
I: De you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration? I:你还有什么希望公司考虑的别的条件吗?
The Developer and Contractor shall specify the detailed identification and functions of the Engineer in the Particular Conditions. 其具体身份和职权由发包人、承包人在专用条款中约定。
Drinking mineral water is believed to aid digestion, and waters with specific minerals are used for particular conditions. 饮用矿泉水被认为能帮助消化,具有特效矿物的泉水在特殊情况下使用。
Yet, while insurance, banking, and securities markets are closely related, insurance fulfills somewhat different economic functions than do other financial services, and in turn requires particular conditions to flourish and to make a full economic contribution. 然而,保险、银行、证券等市场都是密切相关的,与其他金融服务相比,保险所执行的经济功能有诸多差异,同时它需要特定条件的支持才得以蓬勃发展,作出全面的经济贡献。
If there are versions of any part of the contract which are written in more than one language, version which is in the ruling language stated in the particular conditions shall be prevail. 当合同任何部分的文本采用一种以上语言编写时,应以特殊条件中指定的主导语言文本为准。
The aeroradiometric method suffers like others, in particular conditions of terrain. 航空放射性方法与其它方法一样,受地形特殊条件的影响。
If no such time is stated in the particular conditions, the employer shall give the contractor right of access to, and possession of, the site with effect from the commencement date. 如果在特殊条件中没有规定上述时间,业主应自开工日期起给承包商进入和占有现场的权利。
If the contract price is to be adjusted for rises or falls in the cost of labour, goods and other inputs to the works, the adjustments shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions in the particular conditions. 若合同价格因劳务、货物以及其它投入工程的费用的涨落进行调整,该调整应依据特殊条件中的规定进行计算。
The reform and opening must be carried out in the light of the particular conditions in each country, because countries differ from one another in many respects, such as their economic base, history, environment and neighbours. 改革开放必须从各国自己的条件出发。每个国家的基础不同,历史不同,所处的环境不同,左邻右舍不同,还有其他许多不同。
These achievements were possible because we have embarked on the correct path of development that is suited to china's particular conditions and is in keeping with the trend of the times. 这些成就的取得,根本的原因,是我们找到了一条符合中国国情、顺应时代潮流的正确发展道路。
Payment of the damages specified in the particular conditions shall be made in the currencies and proportions specified in the particular conditions; 特别条件中规定的损害赔偿费,应特别条件中规定的货币种类和比例进行支付;
In building socialism, each country should adopt policies commensurate with its particular conditions. 各个国家应该根据自己的特点来实行社会主义的政策。
However, the total amount due under this Sub-Clause shall not exceed the maximum amount of delay damages ( if any) stated in the Particular Conditions. 但按本款计算的赔偿总额,不得超过专用条件中规定的误期损害赔偿费的最高限额(如果有)。
The contract agreement shall be based upon the form annexed to the particular conditions. 合同协议书应以专用条件后所附的格式为基础。
Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, any product produced by the Works during trial operation shall be the property of the Employer. 除非专用条件中另有说明,工程在试运行期间生产的任何产品应属于雇主的财产。
If necessary under particular conditions, it shall be adjusted under instruction of the Company's engineers and technicians. 特殊情况要变更的,须在本公司工程技术人员指导下调整。
The way of analysis has been put into application in the field and proved to be also effective under the particular conditions in this mine. 验证结果表明,在黄荆坪矿的具体条件下,这种研究方法也能获得较为满意的结果。
Based on the particular conditions of the engineering construction, a satisfactory blasting effect is obtained by rational optimization of blasting scheme, comprehensive use of blasting technology and strict control of construction quality. 从工程施工的具体条件出发,通过合理优化爆破方案、综合运用爆破技术,并严格要求施工质量,最终取得了满意的爆破效果。
According to particular conditions of Zhanjiang city's hydrogeological condition, DRASTIC model is simplified specifically and zone of aeration ( thickness, lithology, structure) as well as topography is selected as assessment factors of shallow groundwater. 根据湛江市浅层地下水水文地质状况,在特定情况下对DRASTIC模型进行合理简化,选取包气带岩性、厚度与结构、地形作为评价因子,并利用GIS技术编制浅层地下水防污性能分区图。
The design principles under those particular conditions are presented. 给出了在上述条件下光照系统设计的基本原则。
Only under the particular conditions, can the silence have the effect of declaration of intention. 沉默只有在特定情形下,才具有意思表示的效力。
The basalt formed under the particular conditions of temperature, pressure and oxygen fugacity and structural setting of rift. 该玄武岩是在特定的温度、压力、氧逸度条件及裂谷的构造背景下形成的。
It has the characteristics of complicated variety, creation, indirection, conditionality etc. As a kind of systematic project, the application of teaching theories has a particular configuration and function, and it is composed of different factors and composition that are adapted to particular conditions. 作为一项系统工程,教学理论应用具有特定的结构和功能,由不同的要素、不同的成分组成,并与特定的条件相适应。
In practice, an initiator usually acts as the patron negotiating with translators, but under particular conditions a translator may assume a double status by translating on his own initiative. 翻译发起人在具体实践中通常充当和译者沟通的赞助人角色,但在特定条件下译者会自发组织翻译活动,扮演双重角色。
Under the particular conditions, single-DOF dynamic equation can be simplified. Methods of multiple scales and equivalent linearization are used to obtain approximate analytical solution of the single-DOF nonlinear dynamic equations under determinate and stochastic forces of coal separately. 在特定条件下,简化单自由度刨煤机动力学方程,运用多尺度和等效线性化方法分别对确定性和随机的煤壁作用力条件下的单自由度非线性动力学方程求得近似解析解。
So in particular conditions, medical action can be taken only when patients or their families agree. 故而在一些特定场合下,医疗行为是必须获得患者或家属同意的意思表示才能继续施行的。
The internal organizational structure and operational mechanisms of farmers cooperatives is a historical outcome in particular conditions, it should adjust and perfect positively with the environmental change of economy, culture and policy and so on. 农民专业合作社的内部组织结构和运行机制是特定历史条件的产物,理应随着经济、文化、政策等外部环境的变化做出积极调整和完善。
The road surface materials are subject to complex and ever-changing load, environmental conditions, as well as the complexity of the material constitutive relations, only evaluate the performance under the particular conditions is not the overall performance of the material. 由于路面材料所承受复杂多变的荷载、环境条件,以及沥青混合料这一材料本身的复杂本构关系,单单评价某一特定条件下的性能是不能评价其整体性能的。
Based on acoustic imaging theory, sonar image has its own characteristics, so there are certain particular conditions or demands for de-noising and segmentation. 由于基于声成像原理,声纳图像拥有自己的特点,这就对去噪和分割提出了一定的前提条件或要求。